Friday, April 20, 2012

Week of April 15, 2012

I wanted to first say thank you so much to all my friends and family who have showed an interest of my swimming.  I was overwhelmed with how much everyone liked reading my first blog.  It is a great feeling to be supported by the people in my life near or far. 

Slow week of swimming for me.  Which just reminds me how important it is for me to make every moment in the water count so I am prepared for my swims!!

I did get a good swim at Shaw's Cove on the 15th with the Oak Streakers...only about 1.25 mi though.  What made this swim for me is we had been rained out for a couple days.  It was great to get back in the salt water!  Although it was COLD!  I got out of the water with needles in my fingertips.  I believe that was a first for me to have the sensation of needles in my fingers/hands from the ocean.  (When I did my short stint of swimming in Lake Arrowhead at 43 hands and feet were in pain from the needles) I could feel goosebumps on my legs for most of the swim. 

Monday was for sure the highlight for me of my swim week.  I had my swim practice with Newport Beach Swimming.  I did about 3500 yards or so.  Highlight of the week goes to this swim practice because I cut 5-7 seconds from my 50 free with every interval.  I was down to 48 sec on a couple of the intervals and what excites me about this is the 48 sec didn't come in the beginning of my sets.  My arms and legs were already feeling the tiredness set in, but I still managed to get in a couple 50's sub 50 sec.  Woo Hoo.  I wanted to jump out of my skin in excitement.  I shaved time off my 100 free as well.  Completing the intervals in 1:45 consistently while just the week before I was at 1:55 consistently.  Coach Jim has been awesome for me with taking the time and patience with my technique.  Seeing progress in the pool I know is going to show through in the ocean as well as my stroke continues to improve.  (Oh and I was sore on Tuesday!)

Tuesday, no swim for me.  However, in place of a swim I got to see Samuel pitch his first little league game and that was better than any swim I have ever had.  It was incredible to see him be so calm and cool on the mound. 

Wednesday, I was fogged out of a swim.  I attempted a swim at lunch at Salt Creek.  While it was gorgeous in Aliso when I left work when I got to Creek it was much to heavy of a fog for me to safely swim solo.  The fog did finally lift, but unfortunately not in time for me to get any time swimming in the water.  I did use the time to wade in the water so my body at least felt the water temp.  It felt nice.  The water felt like it had warmed at least 3 degrees from Sunday's swim.  Once the fog lifted I was thankful I hadn't attempted getting in.  I took the safe route and I was better off for it.  There were a lot more surfers in the water than it appeared with the limited visibility.  The wave break was a lot further out than it originally looked as well and stopped very close to a heavy bed of kelp. 

Thursday, I met up with Gordon, Carol, and Patsee for a fun pre-work swim.  The water still felt about 55-56 degrees, it wasn't super clear, but clear enough to see some fish.  The seals weren't out in full force on Thursday, but the water was incredible.  It was wild and fun.  On the way back I felt like I was being pulled in any direction but the one I wanted to go.  Probably added an extra .25 mi to the swim for me.  All in maybe 1.50 mi.  Of course on the way out I was taken out by a wave and felt like I was inside a washing machine of salt water and sand. 

Friday evening, plans to swim with Newport Beach Swimming...

Saturday is my big day!  I am ready and excited to swim tomorrow morning for up to 3 hours.  I can't wait to see how this swim goes for me.  I will have continuous company off and on.  With Fiona (an amazing 13 year old who is training to swim Anacapa in August as well) at 7, Lynn at about 8 followed up with the rest of the Streakers at 9.  It will be a fun morning!! 

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