Monday, April 30, 2012
Body Surfing in San Clemente -- 4/29/2012
I had to remind myself swimming in the open water has all kinds of aspects to conquer. While I can get out and in with waves I can't by any means say I have conquered the waves. Yesterday I might have made a small step toward my quest to conquer the wave breaks. The ocean is such a powerful force I may never fully conquer the art of swimming through the breaks without exuding a good portion of my energy, but I know I will absolutely get better.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Surf, kelp and Howard as my guardian again...
What a swim today! Howard was kind enough to make sure I got out safely at the start. I got tumbled a little and as I saw a surfer come right at me I said to Howard "Oh $£!+" I thought I was going to lose my goggles on that one. I wasn't sure what my miles would be this morning because I went at it thinking I will take it easy today and have my long swim Sunday.
I followed Howard the entire lap to the main beach buoy. There was a ton of kelp today. However unlike last weekend when I was cursing at it this weekend I took the high road road and said "thanks for the extra shoulder and upper body workout as I pulled through it".
The exit of my solo lap today...oh what fun?! Yes I yet again BA'd the shore with my bottoms coming down, however, I don't think anyone saw considering the waves white wash was powerful enough to throw me to the ocean floor. I came up a little out of sorts and then again heard Howard's guidance for me hollering from the shore. I couldn't make it exactly out, but I am pretty sure I heard now swim fast!!! As I turned to see him I think he was about ready to get back in and pull me in. I am lucky to have a group that includes Howard to look out for me and every other swimmer in the water. :-)
I opted out for another lap because today I felt like chatting with everyone instead of another lap. There is always tomorrow!
Friday, April 27, 2012
Look Ma! No fins!!
Lots of fish, jellies, seals, and some star fish visible on the reefs. A pair of dolphins were out as well (but they came when we were already out). Still fun to see them out there.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!
I had swim practice with Newport Beach Swimming Masters tonight and from the first push off from the wall I knew I didn't hydrate well enough today...cramps almost from start to finish. Ugh!! Lesson learned.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Day after 5...
My successful takeaway today was the swim loosened up my shoulders from the day before!
5 Mile Success???
Lap 1 - In the water at 7:20 out at 8:18...I was slower than I had hoped for. I had some hurdles on my first lap and felt frustrated and defeated by the water in the 58 minutes I was in. Very shortly after I got into the water I kept feeling the swells roll under me...not paying any attention to how on much they were pushing me back to shore until I felt a little white wash crash down on me. Looking up I realized I was caught in a few swells coming in. I tried to swim out again past the wave break, but kept getting pushed back to shore. Before I knew it (much faster than what it took me to originally get out past the waves at the start) I was pushed back to shore from the waves. I unfortunately "snaked" a wave from a surfer at one point. He had to jump of his board when he realized he was going to run over me if he continued to ride the wave. I felt really bad because I think it would have been a decent wave for him. He was nice about it though and stopped to make sure I was okay. I am sure he got a good laugh at watching me continue to get back out past the swells coming in. Thankfully, I did make it back out past the wave break in one piece with everything in tact goggles, swim caps, and bathing suit. What it did take from me was a lot of energy! I was a bummed at my carelessness, but was happy to see I hadn't fallen too far behind the other girls. I swam to the buoy and turned. On the turn back I was feeling good. I got over my frustration from the waves pushing me back to shore. However, what I had to get past on my return of lap one was kelp. Today's swim had an abundance of kelp. I am sure it had a lot to do with the tides. For some reason it seemed the kelp beds were barely past the wave breaks which made for a tight swimming lane for me to avoid the swells pushing me back to shore and the THICK beds of kelp. I didn't succeed at avoiding the kelp. I in fact was everything but graceful in my attempt to avoid it. I was zig zagging every where trying to get a clear patch of water to swim through. Eventually I lost the girls in my sight because the kelp slowed me too much. Since Matthew and Samuel will be reading this blog one day I will avoid mentioning what I was saying as I was swimming back to my first feed. I am avoiding it because if they said the words and phrases I did at the kelp on this swim they would be grounded from video games for a month. It is safe to say "I hate kelp" summed it all up for me in three words on this swim.
Lap 2 - In the water 8:23 out at 9:19. Ahh....lap 2, thank goodness for lap 2. It was so much nicer. Much more at the pace I expected and I felt great. 56 min in the water.
Lap 3 - In the water 9:23 out at 9:45. The full group of The Oak Streakers were in the water at this time. They were actually getting out past the waves as I was body surfing them back in for my second feed. It is nice to see company out there! Total water time only 22 minutes for lap 3. I pushed myself to get back in for lap 3. A few weeks ago I had attempted 3 hours in the water and the water temp, as well as my mental state of being ready for 3 hours prohibited me to accomplish this goal. I felt regret the rest of the day for not pushing myself harder. Saturday I set out for 2.5 to 3 hours. I was only in for 2 hours 22 minutes, but I felt okay with this on Saturday. I swam about half the distance to the buoy and back a little. I hesitated to get out of the water not sure if I wanted to get out and walk back on the shore. I felt like I was going to be doing a walk of shame to have gotten out of the water and walk with my feet vs. swim with my arms back to my starting point. However, at this point I had already pushed myself to get to the halfway point to the buoy. I turned because my arms were weak and felt like spaghetti. Each stroke my shoulders were more and more tender. I wasn't cold, but I had some physical pain from nearly 5 miles. I decided when I looked at my watch and saw it was 9:43 I was okay to get out.
At the time of getting out I was 50/50 at feeling successful. As the day progressed though I felt successful. I had some challenges in my swim and I don't feel like I gave up. My mind thought about giving up when the waves pushed me back to shore on my first lap. One of my swimmer friends Marc says "you can't get out, if you don't get in". I got in to get out x3! My time in the water I think equated to nearly 5 miles, but I would like to round it up to 5 miles from all the zig zagging I had to do in lap 1.
Notes to self: GU will not be one of my feed choices. (Yuck!) Stick with Cytomax for now to replace nutrients and electrolytes.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Week of April 15, 2012
Slow week of swimming for me. Which just reminds me how important it is for me to make every moment in the water count so I am prepared for my swims!!
I did get a good swim at Shaw's Cove on the 15th with the Oak Streakers...only about 1.25 mi though. What made this swim for me is we had been rained out for a couple days. It was great to get back in the salt water! Although it was COLD! I got out of the water with needles in my fingertips. I believe that was a first for me to have the sensation of needles in my fingers/hands from the ocean. (When I did my short stint of swimming in Lake Arrowhead at 43 hands and feet were in pain from the needles) I could feel goosebumps on my legs for most of the swim.
Monday was for sure the highlight for me of my swim week. I had my swim practice with Newport Beach Swimming. I did about 3500 yards or so. Highlight of the week goes to this swim practice because I cut 5-7 seconds from my 50 free with every interval. I was down to 48 sec on a couple of the intervals and what excites me about this is the 48 sec didn't come in the beginning of my sets. My arms and legs were already feeling the tiredness set in, but I still managed to get in a couple 50's sub 50 sec. Woo Hoo. I wanted to jump out of my skin in excitement. I shaved time off my 100 free as well. Completing the intervals in 1:45 consistently while just the week before I was at 1:55 consistently. Coach Jim has been awesome for me with taking the time and patience with my technique. Seeing progress in the pool I know is going to show through in the ocean as well as my stroke continues to improve. (Oh and I was sore on Tuesday!)
Tuesday, no swim for me. However, in place of a swim I got to see Samuel pitch his first little league game and that was better than any swim I have ever had. It was incredible to see him be so calm and cool on the mound.
Wednesday, I was fogged out of a swim. I attempted a swim at lunch at Salt Creek. While it was gorgeous in Aliso when I left work when I got to Creek it was much to heavy of a fog for me to safely swim solo. The fog did finally lift, but unfortunately not in time for me to get any time swimming in the water. I did use the time to wade in the water so my body at least felt the water temp. It felt nice. The water felt like it had warmed at least 3 degrees from Sunday's swim. Once the fog lifted I was thankful I hadn't attempted getting in. I took the safe route and I was better off for it. There were a lot more surfers in the water than it appeared with the limited visibility. The wave break was a lot further out than it originally looked as well and stopped very close to a heavy bed of kelp.
Thursday, I met up with Gordon, Carol, and Patsee for a fun pre-work swim. The water still felt about 55-56 degrees, it wasn't super clear, but clear enough to see some fish. The seals weren't out in full force on Thursday, but the water was incredible. It was wild and fun. On the way back I felt like I was being pulled in any direction but the one I wanted to go. Probably added an extra .25 mi to the swim for me. All in maybe 1.50 mi. Of course on the way out I was taken out by a wave and felt like I was inside a washing machine of salt water and sand.
Friday evening, plans to swim with Newport Beach Swimming...
Saturday is my big day! I am ready and excited to swim tomorrow morning for up to 3 hours. I can't wait to see how this swim goes for me. I will have continuous company off and on. With Fiona (an amazing 13 year old who is training to swim Anacapa in August as well) at 7, Lynn at about 8 followed up with the rest of the Streakers at 9. It will be a fun morning!!
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
From the start 'til now
I would wade the water on a clear day during a swim break and look over to Catalina and think to myself "Wow it would be so awesome to swim the Catalina Channel". However, I kept the idea to myself until I met Lynn while ending one of my swims with Gene late that summer.
Lynn and I were talking in the restroom and she told me she was getting ready to swim the Anacapa Channel and had already swam Catalina. I was in such awe of her and seriously for me I was in the presence of famous person! She inspired me then and still inspires me. My brief conversation with Lynn made me feel like I can really do this and I want to swim the Catalina Channel before I turn 40 as my goal. (I also figure I will then reward myself with a trip to Italy for my 40th birthday...swimming 20.2 miles and turning 40 seems worthy of a trip to Italy, right!?) I started to swim with this great group "The Oak Streakers!" It is this amazing group of swimmers that all started with Lynn. A group who shares the love of open water swimming and a bond with each other through swimming.
Skipping a little ahead of my accomplishments since I decided to make my idea (that is deemed as crazy to most) a reality. I lost my wetsuit for all swimming in late September 2011. I decided I would see if I can make it to the end of October. I felt I would be ecstatic to not wear a wetsuit through October. Much to my surprise I was still swimming without a wetsuit and it was Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's before I knew it! I can remember a swim when Lynn, Mike, and myself were already out past the wave break at Oak Street and Mike commented "I remember when you said you would just see how long you could go without a wetsuit and look at you now" (I was seriously beaming with pride when he said that) Definitely there are moments in my mind of "what in the world am I doing" in some swims when my wave of commitment hits my chest and I think "OMG, Brrrrr". Once you get moving I swear it isn't bad though. My body heats up so much that it is feels quite refreshing to be in cooler water (as of now at least). Crazy as it sounds 60 degrees has become to feel tropical for me. :-)
When I started to swim with Gene and even The Oak Streakers I had a fear of kelp beds. It was on my second swim with The Streakers I had to overcome the fear. There are some patchy beds of kelp in the areas of Laguna we swim. Sometimes it is worse than other days. It all seems to depend on the tides. In the summer I am expecting for most of it to die out as the water warms up though. It will be nice, but I think I might miss it a little. The kelp adds a level of fun depending on how thick it is. Sometimes it feels as though you can stand up and walk on it and other times you can barrel straight through it. Anyway, back to my second swim...I am much slower than the other swimmers in the group (without my fins). On the second time out I swam right into a bed of kelp. The crazy interesting thing to me about kelp is I feel like I can be swimming in a clean kelp free ocean and then boom out of no where I am swallowed up in kelp. I felt like that anyway when I was still terrified of it. It was my second swim when I felt stuck and I was feeling really anxious and uncomfortable and alone then I heard one of the other swimmers voices call out to me, Howard, right as I had decided I would just make a straight swim to the shoreline and call it a day. His voice was like an angel that morning to me. His voice guided me out of the kelp. I don't know if he realized just how nervous I was when he called out to me. It was from his voice that I knew I just needed to take a deep breathe and keep swimming. I conquered my fear of kelp that morning!
There are many other mental challenges for me to continue to overcome. I think it is very safe to say that preparing for a channel swim takes definitely physical preparation, but as much as physical there are so many mental aspects of it. Swimming without a wetsuit (check), kelp beds (check), cool water (check, however, I do hope I will get the average water temps at the times of my swims of 65-68 degrees), swimming in the dark (not really a check quite yet...swimming at dawn check, but not pitch dark midnight), eating food with it being thrown out to you from a boat like you are a seal begging for food at Sea check yet. There are so many other little and big things to prepare for in doing a big swim. It is all exciting for me though. Overcoming every hurdle one stroke at a time is exhilarating!
Since September 2011, I have come as close as I have in my life to "swimming with" dolphins. They come so close to us at times and other times close enough you can hear their beautiful chatter while swimming. It is incredible how loud their voices travel. I have had baby seals swim right under my feet as I am wading water. I have seen a small 3-4 foot shark about 5-6 feet from me. (Yes that scared me and I swam for my life, until to realize in retrospect the shark was more scared of me than I was of it...maybe?) Sting rays and tons of schools of fish and starfish. It is all so awesome to come so close to.
A friend of mine on FB once posted a picture of the beach on a day she spent with her kids over the summer and her caption to the post read something along the lines of --- I think God created the beach to say here you go have this giant playground. I think of that post nearly every time I step on the sand and every time I barrel my way through the wave breaks I think --- yeah what a fun playground. :-) She is completely right.
I have swam in the ocean to date at times as cold as 51 degrees and at times with waves up to about 12 feet (maybe more). At times when the ocean is so beautiful and peaceful with a stillness about her and at times when it is so choppy and rough it feels as though you are just swimming in place from currents. The cool thing is every time I am in the ocean it is never the same adventure and it is never boring!
I am set to swim The Anacapa Channel (12.4 miles) August 25th. I look forward to be able to call myself a Marathon Channel Swimmer the afternoon of the 25th. I will use this blog as a diary of my adventures while training so I can share it with family and friends who are interested and also keep it for myself to look back at from time to time and remember how I felt at certain points. The high points and low points...cheers to more high than low points!
As of today, April 17th, I am wetsuit free, free of any fear of kelp, and perfectly capable of swimming up to 4 miles in the ocean. My next longer training swim will be April 21st and I anticipate swimming 2.5 to 3 hours in the water. It should take me up to mileage of up to 6!!
More to follow...